Thursday, July 10, 2003

Vulgarity - Paki Style!

Spot the vulgarity in this excerpt from Sean O'Casey's play, "The End of the Beginning".

"When the song ended, Darry cocks his ear and listens."

A person with a really bad hold on the English language will look at the word "cock" and say "Vulgar"!!
Well, so does Dr Shahbaz Arif, head of the committee appointed to review the syllabus of the Lahore University in Pakistan.

The review committee has found out that classics like Swift's "Gulliver's Travels", Alexander Pope's "Rape of the Lock" and many other such works are VULGAR!
Now I know why my moral values are so loose... it must be because I have read books and poems with words like "rape" and "cock" in the title! What a calamity!!