All is fair in love, war and CP!!
"What is this CP?", you might say. Well, CP stands for class participation. In most of the courses here at IIML, a sizeable proportion of the evaluation is based on how much and how well(I doubt this!) do you participate in the class discussions.
The intentions of the professors must be noble indeed. But as it is with all noble intentions, they mostly end up doing the opposite!
So instead of contributing qualitatively in the class, the students throw away all shame, and start opening their mouths at the slightest opportunity.
As for me, I have still not mastered this art. In fact, a few days back, in one boring lecture, when words were flying thick and fast in all directions, I was ruminating about this very topic. Suddenly, inspiration struck, and my thoughts started flowing in the form of verse. It goes something like this...
As I sit here listening to the globe
The attack, unending, on my temporal lobe
Try as I might , the discussion to surmise
I cannot comprehend, the basic premise
Confusion reigning supreme in my mind
The need for CP, yet puts me in a bind
Sadly I realise , that to have my say
I will have to throw my scruples away
So this is how I finally understood the secret weapon required for CP.
I know it is crappy poetry.....but what the heck, as mentioned above, I have already decided to throw reason to the gallows! So why not start here itself?